The next course `Programming in C/C++ part I starts
Below you'll find the schedule for the first course on Programming in C/C++ for the academic year 2007-2008. Use this schedule as an indication of the topics that will be covered by the upcoming course.
During the course, this schedule may change. Always this page will show the latest details about the schedule.
If you're interested in paricipating, please read the studiegidstekst and the description of the setup of the general approach following in the three courses on C/C++ as well.
The lectures are organized during the Academic Year
Thursdays at 9:00 o'clock
the `Zernikeborg' (Computing Center), lecture hall 053
The first lecture will be on Thursday, September 6, 2007
Date Room Time Topic ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-09 ZB 053 9:00-11:00 Introduction, software, C++ facets, Constructing a C++ program, C++ Data Types, Enums 13-09 ZB 053 9:00-11:00 Expressions, modifiers, casts, strings 20-09 ZB 053 9:00-11:00 Statements, Flow Control, 27-09 ZB 053 9:00-11:00 Functions, Procedural programming References, Overloading, Scoping rules. 11:00-12:00 Build utilities in cooperation with Bram Neijt 4-10 ZB 053 9:00-11:00 Classes: Initialisation, Construction, Composition 11-10 ZB 053 9:00-11:00 Arrays, pointers, part I 18-10 ZB 053 9:00-11:00 Arrays, pointers, part II -------------------------------------------------------------------
Frank B. Brokken
30-Aug-2007 15:23:55 CEST